Odds of an Ace With a Higher Kicker
Probability of Facing an Ace With a Higher Kicker 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AK 0.00245 0.00489 0.00733 0.00976 0.01219 0.01460 0.01702 0.01942 0.02183 AQ 0.01224 0.02434 0.03629 0.04809 0.05974 0.07126 0.08263 0.09386 0.10496 AJ 0.02204 0.04360 0.06468 0.08529 0.10545 0.12517 0.14445 0.16331 0.18175 AT 0.03184 0.06266 0.09250 0.12139 0.14937 0.17645 0.20267 0.22805 0.25263 A9 0.04163 0.08153 0.11977 0.15642 0.19154 0.22520 0.25745 0.28837 0.31799 A8 0.05143 0.10021 0.14649 0.19038 0.23202 0.27152 0.30898 0.34452 0.37823 A7 0.06122 0.11870 0.17266 0.22331 0.27086 0.31550 0.35741 0.39675 0.43369 A6 0.07102 0.13700 0.19829 0.25523 0.30812 0.35726 0.40291 0.44531 0.48471 A5 0.08082 0.15510 0.22338 0.28615 0.34384 0.39687 0.44561 0.49041 0.53160 A4 0.09061 0.17301 0.24795 0.31609 0.37806 0.43442 0.48567 0.53227 0.57465 A3 0.10041 0.19073 0.27199 0.34509 0.41085 0.47000 0.52322 0.57109 0.61416 A2 0.11020 0.20826 0.29552 0.37315 0.44223 0.50370 0.55840 0.60706 0.65037 Probability of Facing an Ace With a Higher Kicker
The above table shows the probability that, before the flop, another player has an ace with a larger kicker.
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