Odds Based on Runner-Runner Outs
Likely drawing to Common
outsProbability Odds Equivalent
outsFour of a kind (with pair)
Inside-only straight flush2 0.00093 1,080 : 1 0.02 Three of a kind (with no pair) 3 0.00278 359 : 1 0.07 4 0.00556 179 : 1 0.13 5 0.00925 107 : 1 0.22 Two pair or three of a kind (with no pair) 6 0.01388 71.1 : 1 0.33 7 0.01943 50.5 : 1 0.46 8 0.02590 37.6 : 1 0.61 9 0.03330 29.0 : 1 0.78 Flush 10 0.04163 23.0 : 1 0.98 Odds of Making a Runner-Runner From a Common Set of Outs
The above table shows the probability and odds of making a runner-runner from a common set of outs and the equivalent normal outs. Drawing to a flush is an example of drawing from a common set of outs. Both the turn and river need to be the same suit, so both outs are coming from a common set of outs - the set of remaining cards of the desired suit.
Drawing to Probability Odds Equivalent
outsOutside straight 0.04440 21.5 : 1 1.04 Inside+outside straight 0.02960 32.8 : 1 0.70 Inside-only straight 0.01480 66.6 : 1 0.35 Outside straight flush 0.00278 359 : 1 0.07 Inside+outside straight flush 0.00185 540 : 1 0.04 Odds of Making a Runner-Runner From a Disjoint Set of Outs
The above table shows the probability and odds of making a runner-runner from a disjoint set of outs for common situations and the equivalent normal outs. Two outs are disjoint when there are no common cards between the set of cards needed for the first out and the set of cards needed for the second out. The outs are independent of each other if it does not matter which card comes first, and one card appearing does not affect the probability of the other card appearing except by changing the number of remaining cards; an example is drawing two cards to an inside straight. The outs are conditional on each other if the number of outs available for the second card depends on the first card; an example is drawing two cards to an outside straight.
Drawing to Probability Odds Equivalent
outsFlush, outside straight or straight flush 0.08326 11.0 : 1 1.98 Flush, inside+outside straight or straight flush 0.06938 13.4 : 1 1.65 Flush, inside-only straight or straight flush 0.05550 17.0 : 1 1.30 Odds of Making a Runner-Runner For Common Situations
The above table gives the compound probability and odds of making a runner-runner for common situations and the equivalent normal outs. The strongest runner-runner probabilities lie with hands that are drawing to multiple hands with different runner-runner combinations. These include hands that can make a straight, flush or straight flush, as well as four of a kind or a full house.
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