Custom Poker Chip Labels
Why pay hundreds of dollars to have customized poker chips manufactured when can simply add labels to your existing poker
chips! You can print poker labels on a laser (preferred) or ink-jet printer or purchase pre-made custom poker chip labels
from an online seller. You can stick labels on poker chips that were purchased months or years ago or you can purchase cheap
composite chips with the intention of sticking labels on them. If you keep an eye out for good deals, you can buy a set of 500
composite chips (with recessed centers and edge spots!) for about 25� each. Add $40 for pre-printed labels and you now have 500
poker chips with custom labels and nice edge spots for $165 or about 33� per chip! That compares with about $1 per chip
and a couple months wait for customized clay or ceramic chips.
You can buy blank labels at most local or online office supply stores. Click here to see a
sheet of blank 1" labels from As you can see, blank labels are not cheap at $38.95 for 100 sheets of 63 paper labels or $49.95 for longer-lasting
weatherproof labels. Hint - rather than spend $50 on blank labels and then end up messing them up while trying to print ... use one
of the professional personalized label printers that are listed at the bottom of this page, it will cost you about the same
amount of money in the end!
The weatherproof labels are easier to peel off than the paper labels but there is some debate as to whether or not they are
any better than the paper labels. Many of the professional label printers swear by the paper labels. It is recommended that you do not
use Avery labels commonly available at many office supply stores.
Many poker chips can accommodate a 1" label but some chips require a smaller label. The chip that you use for your
homemade poker labels must have a recessed (sunken) center area where you can place the label. If the center is not
recessed, the label will increase the thickness of each chip, meaning that your chips might not fit in the same racks that they fit
in before.
Several blank poker chips are known to have recessed centers and are good choices for
sticking on your own labels. The NexGen poker chips are probably the most popular chip for this at this time. The 13 Gram chips
and Texas Hold'em chips are also good candidates. Many of the 'Dice' and 'Suited' style chips also have recessed centers.
NexGen | Texas Hold'em | 13 Gram Casino |
It will take you quite some time to stick the labels on both sides of your 500 or 1,000 poker chip set. The
most time consuming task will be centering the label on the chip. It wouldn't be too bad if you could just peel and
stick on the label real quick ... but you will find that it takes a good eye, a steady hand, and plenty of time to properly
center and label your chips. If you also want to align your labels so that your edge spots are at the 2, 6, and 10 o'clock
positions, it will take even longer!
Labels will change the 'feel' of your chip. When you rub your fingers across your chips, you will feel the label
rather than the composite plastic. This may give your chips a 'papery' feel, or a slicker 'vinyl' feel, depending on the type
of label used. Keep in mind that paper is generally not as slippery as plastic so your chips might feel a little stickier
when sliding on a poker table. Fibers from the poker table felt or cloth will rub against the label, even if recessed, and
cause more friction when sliding your chips on the table.
If you do not protect your labels, you will have to replace them after a certain amount of play. The labels will
accumulate dirt and eventually begin to stick together. They will tear and rip and players will pick at them with their
fingernails. Your labels might last you a couple years if you play infrequently but might last only a tournament or two if
you have rough-surfaced tables. You can use a protective spray such as
Krylon Satin Fix
on your labels to make sure that they don't fade or scratch. You can also use Final Fixatives sprays found at arts or crafts
stores. Apply the spray before you place the labels on your chips. Your labels will be water resistant and will last
much longer when protected.
If you use your own printer to print labels make sure that you use the 'Labels' paper
setting on your laser printer. This will produce a much better and glossier finish. Some people have luck with using
ink-jet printers but laser printers are much preferred. Ink-jet print has a tendency to smudge much easier than laser toner.
If you cannot print your own labels, you can send your artwork, by email, to one of the sellers listed below. They will print
your labels and mail them to you in an envelope. Some vendors will even assist you in creating your artwork for the label. The
cost for 1,000 labels (500 chips) is about $30-$50. sells a complete
do-it-yourself kit to create customized poker chip labels. The kit includes Windows graphics software to help design your label
and a 'jig' to assist you in affixing your newly designed label to your chip. The kit also includes 500 blank composite poker
chips that are suitable for labels. The kit does nothing that you couldn't do on your own but is a simple one-stop solution for
labeling poker chips. I expect to receive a ChipCustomizer for review on this website in a month or two (May 2008).
Poker Chip Label Sellers
Custom Poker Chip Labels
Online Labels
Poker Chips Labels
World Label
Designing Your Poker Chip Label
Copyrighted or trademarked material cannot be placed on a poker chip label. Check with your specific
manufacturer for more information. Some sellers, such as
HomePokerChips, have access to online clipart collections such as
These programs will help you design your poker chip labels. Most of these files are templates to be used with Adobe Photoshop.
You can download a free 30-day trial version of Photoshop here. You
might also be able to use Jasc's Paint Shop Pro. Be warned that these are fairly complicated software applications and there is a rather steep learning curve before you can use
them ... and of course, I will not assist you in any way! Use 300dpi and CMYK colors. (Photoshop file courtesy of TobascoJRC) (Forum thread)
Chip Factory Sample different chip and edge spot colors on different molds (Photoshop file courtesy of Dapper Dan)
(Forum thread)
SureThing Office Labeler (Free trial, Photoshop not required. Design labels, business cards, etc.)