Poker Tournament Clock Reviews
Here are reviews of poker tournament clocks and timers. Some are simple poker blinds timers that do little more than beep when
the timer expires. Others are full-featured poker tournament managers that will assist you with the buyin, seating and moving
players at multiple tables, time the blinds, calculate the payout, and keep league stats. Some clocks can be run over a network on
multiple computers and/or television screens.
You need to decide what level of features you want in your poker clock. Some hosts want a simple timer that their players
can see while playing the game. They want to start the clock at the beginning of their game and then forget about it until the game
is over. Other hosts want to track the buyins and rebuys of each player, they are constantly entering information into a computer
about which player purchased a rebuy/add-on or was eliminated.
Using a poker tournament manager/clock is almost a necessity if you are going to run a poker league. Several of the programs
reviewed here will track the results of each game and assign points to each player depending on their finish. You can also track the
winnings, and loses, of each player. You can use all this information for a championship at the end of the year.
Some of these programs will suggest a blinds schedule to use and all programs have pre-set formats for various Hold'em,
Stud, Omaha, Limit, No-limit, and Pot-limit games. You can also set up your own customized blinds schedules
and tournament formats and then re-use the same formats at a later date.
Please be advised that some of these programs can be a bit challenging to set up and use for the first time. You have to do a
bit of work, entering player data and tournament data (buyin, rebuy, blinds, etc.) before you can start your game. Make sure you
run through a test tournament before you actually use the program in a live game.
The clocks that are reviewed here range from full-featured stand-alone programs to simple little timers. Some of these programs have
been written for local poker leagues and then released on the internet by the author. Most of these timers run in 1024x768 screen size.
The Poker Genie
The Poker Genie is a hardware based tournament clock that will help set up your poker
tournament. The Poker Genie will set up your blinds schedule and tell you how many chips to issue each player. It will also estimate
how long your tournament should last and it does all this within a minute or two. It is a blinds timer that also displays the current
blinds and ante. Read the full review of The Poker Genie ...
The Tournament Director
The Tournament Director is a full-featured donation-ware poker tournament clock and
tournament manager. It is almost free and will probably meet all your needs in a poker clock. It has a fully customizable timer screen
and also tracks players' seating, buyins, and add-ons.
Read the full review of The Tournament Director ...
Dr. Neau's Tournament Manager
Dr. Neau's Tournament Manager is a full-featured Java based poker blinds timer and tournament
manager. Tournament Manager takes a bit longer to install and set up but it is well worth the effort. You can think of Tournament
Manager as a beefed up version of The Tournament Director, with additional poker league and computer networking capabilities.
Read the full review of Dr. Neau's Tournament Manager ... |
The Clock
The Clock (Home Edition) is a poker tournament manager that is used in many professional
card rooms and casinos. You might have heard of the author, Paul 'Great Brit' Westley. You might see him playing in the World Series
of Poker and ... you might even notice that his poker clock is being used at that event!
Read the full review of The Clock ...
The Poker Planner
The Poker Planner will help you run your No Limit Texas Hold'em poker tournament and is
specifically designed to manage poker leagues. This program does very well at tracking players over numerous tournaments and printing
league reports about those players.
Read the full review of The Poker Planner ...
The Poker Tournament Manager
Poker Tournament Manager (PTM) is a full-featured poker clock and poker tournament management
system. Even though it is full-featured, it is also one of the easier poker clocks to use. The program has excellent data entry screens
that walk you through the steps needed to set up your poker tournament from start to finish.
Read the full review of The Poker Tournament Manager ...
All-in Tournament Organizer & Timer
The All-in Tournament Organizer and Timer consists of a poker timer and an erasable white
board where you can write your blinds, antes, tournament notes, and final places. The box includes the timer, an erasable pen, an
eraser, two buttons, and one page of written instructions. This is a timer and whiteboard only, it will not assist you in seating
or moving players or any other tournament ...
Read the full review of the All-in Tournament Organizer & Timer ...
| is a talking internet-based program that runs on Internet Explorer for
Windows. You run the program by visiting - there is nothing to download or install on your computer. It is very
easy to use but includes all of the essentials for running your poker ...
Read the full review of The ... |
DD Tournament Poker
DD Tournament Poker is a poker tournament clock and poker hand simulator. It will time your
home poker tournaments but it will also allow you to play limit, no-limit, and pot limit poker tournaments against computer players
and ... you can set up your own online poker tournament that other players can join in! That's right, you can host your own online
poker tournament and invite your friends and family to play. You can then use the tools in DD Poker to analyze ...
Read the full review of DD Tournament Poker ...
Visage 300XT
The Visage 300XT is a poker tournament blinds timer and message display. It is very
sleek and sturdy and will certainly be the talk of the town at any poker tournament! The Visage will display your blinds information,
the time of the day, and several customizable messages ...
Read the full review of the Visage 300XT ...
DB Dealer Digital Dealer Button
The DB Dealer Digital Dealer Button is a poker tournament dealer button with a
built-in blinds timer. It is meant to replace the kitchen timer or wrist-watch that you might presently be using to time your
poker tournaments. It will certainly be the talk of the table as it moves from player to player. It's a dealer button,
it's a blinds timer, it's a nifty little poker gadget! ...
Read the full review of the DB Digital Dealer Button ...
Ultimate Dealer Button
The Ultimate Dealer Button is a poker tournament dealer button with a timer that also
displays the blinds and antes. It will replace the plain old dealer button that you might currently use. The newest version
of the UDB (Ultimate Dealer Button) is pre-programmable meaning that you can enter your blinds information and it will remember the
information from one poker tournament to the next ...
Read the full review of the Ultimate Dealer Button ...
ESPN Texas Hold'em Tournament Director
The ESPN Texas Hold'em Tournament Director is an electronic timer that is very similar to
The Poker Genie. It looks almost exactly the same and has many of the same functions. Unfortunately, it lacks some of the more
advanced features of The Poker Genie ... Read the full review of the ESPN Texas Hold'em
Tournament Director ...
Poker Ace PTD
The Poker Ace PTD (Portable Tournament Director) is a small poker timer that is somewhat
similar to The Poker Genie, except much smaller and more portable. The unit is operated by two AA batteries and measures 3.5 inches
wide, 2.5 inches tall, and 1.25 inches deep ...
Read the full review of the Poker Ace Portable Poker Timer ... |
Electronic Dealer Button
The Electronic Dealer Button is a poker tournament dealer button that incorporates a count
down timer. It is about the same diameter as a normal dealer puck, but much thicker and somewhat resembles a flying saucer. It has
an audible beeper plus flashing lights along the rolling edge ...
Read the full review of the Electronic Dealer Button ...