Poker Timer Review is a talking internet-based program that runs on Internet Explorer for Windows. You run the program by visiting - there is nothing to download or
install on your computer. It is very easy to use but includes all of the essentials for timing your poker tournament.
is donation ware, meaning that is free to use but you are encouraged to voluntarily donate to the author.
Installation will only run on Internet Explorer for Windows. You can use it without an internet
connection. To use the program you simply visit, enter the number of players, your buyin, and start the timer. You will require Microsoft Agent, which is included
on almost all newer computer systems, if you wish to use the 'talk' feature of the program.
The timer will sound even if you are performing other functions on your computer at the time. There is
a 'Merlin' character that makes announcements and speaks through your computer speakers.
Tournament Structure
You can set up to 20 blinds levels with variable antes and time lengths. You can enter any buyin/rebuy/add-on
amounts and up to 50 payouts based a percentage of the purse. Blinds levels can be of variable time lengths. You can save your
tournament setup to use again at a later date.
Timer Screen
You can enter your own custom logo and tournament name and set the background color. Other than that,
you can't really customize too much about the screen except for the ability to hide some features. The screen displays the total
amount of chips in play, the number of players, buyins, rebuys, and add-ons. The purse and the payout are also shown.
Donation ware is donation ware. The free version is fully functional but there is a 90 second 'nag screen'
that appears when you first start the program. You never see the nag again for the rest of your tournament. The minimum donation
seems to be $9.99.
It's free (well, donation-ware), it's quick, and is a better alternative then the free timer that is
available on my own site. does all the basics and is very easy to use. It is very convenient and can be used on any
computer, at any location, with almost no setup.
Visit the Poker Timer website at