These are Claysmith gaming clay-composite poker chips on the "Triangle and Sticks" mold.
These chips weight 13.5 grams and contain a metal insert. That is rather heavy for a poker chip and is similar to the NexGen poker chips.
They have a less 'chalky' feel to them than the NexGen poker chips but do have the same metallic 'clack' sound.
Denominations available are 25�, 50�, $1, $5 (not shown above), $10, $25, $50, $100, $500, $1,000, $5,000, and $10,000. Standard chip colors are used - white $1, red $5, green $25, black $100,
purple $500, yellow $1,000. There are currency symbols on each chip. The denomination amounts are somewhat small but fairy easy to view.
Label size is 26.66mm (1.049 inches) but there is a white border around each label that makes the effective viewing size 18.59mm (0.732 inches). The white border around the label features
stripes that match the base color of the chip. The words "Rock & Roll CASINO" and a different style of guitar are printed on each denomination. The labels are loosely based on the Hard Rock Casino in Las Vegas.
These chips feature a gear wheel mold with "Triangle and Sticks" edge spots. There are eight edge spots on each chip - four triangles and four bars. The edge spots contrast nicely with the base color of the chip. The edge spots line up from one face of the chip, across
the rolling edge to the other face of the chip.
I was sent 11 sample chips. Chip diameters were 39.99, 40.00, 39.94, 40.01, 39.96, 39.93, 40.08, 39.95, 40.04, 39.95, and 39.94mm. Ten chips stacked together are 33.22mm in height. Sample
weights are 13.45, 12.67, 13.17, 13.45, 12.93, 13.23, 13.55, 13.49, 13.54, 13.41, and 13.46 grams.
The Rock & Roll poker chips cost 15� each with a minimum purchase of 25 of each color.
These chips are a good bargain at 15� per chip, the same approximate price as the NexGens but, unlike the NexGens, these chips feature labels. Theya re available from
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These are Claysmith Gaming poker chips identical to the Rock & roll chips reviewed above. The main difference is the labels on these chips have an effective viewing area smaller than the Rock &
Roll chips.
These chips weight 13.5 grams and contain a metal insert. That is rather heavy for a poker chip and is similar to the NexGen poker chips.
These chips are available in denominations of 25�, 50�, $1, $5, $10, $25, $50, $100 (not shown above), $500, $1,000, $5,000, and $10,000. Standard chip colors are used - white $1, red $5, green
$25, black $100, purple $500, yellow $1,000. There are currency symbols on each chip. The denomination amounts are larger than what is found on the Rock & Roll chips reviewed above but they are
somewhat harder to view because they blend into the background of the white center of the label. The denomination is printed in letters as well as in numbers.
Label size is 26.66mm (1.049 inches) but there are three borders around each label that makes the effective viewing size 14.5mm (0.571 inches).
There are eight edge spots on each chip - four triangles and four bars. The edge spots contrast nicely with the base color of the chip. The edge spots line up from one face of the chip, across
the rolling edge to the other face of the chip.
I was sent 11 sample chips. Chip diameters were 40.03, 39.98, 40.08, 40.00, 40.00, 39.99, 39.99, 39.98, 39.96, 39.98, and 39.94mm. Ten chips stacked together was 33.74mm in height. Sample
weights were 13.52, 13.36, 13.85, 13.88, 13.31, 13.48, 13.57, 13.68, 13.97, 13.41, and 13.55 grams.
The Mint poker chips cost 15� each with a minimum purchase of 25 of each color.
contact me if you would like your chips added to my reviews. You must send me at least one sample of each chip you would
like reviewed. I will not post additional reviews of chips that I have already reviewed on this site.